Garo Took Part In National Safety Month In June

Garo, as part of Gardner Denver Nash division, was invited to take part in National Safety Month 2018. This initiative, which occurs annually in June, aims to shift focus on the theme “Safety” at work and outside. Garo accepted the invite and developed a complete program to sensitize the employees on many daily possible risks.

Garo initiatives for Emergency Preparedness

The first week was dedicated to Emergency Preparedness. As an Original Equipment Manufacturer for Liquid Ring Compressors, Garo daily works with overhead cranes, milling machines, lathes, boring machines, and forklifts,which alone cause on average 110,000 accidents each year worldwide (Source:


For Garo, the National Safety Month initiative gave the chance to check and verify some Environmental Emergency procedures, such as the battery acid spill and clean-up, during an environmental emergency drill. Workers were actively involved to better understand and suggest possible improvements to the current procedure. Being prepared at the right moment is essential to limit damages.


Garo initivites for Wellness, Falls and Driving

Week 2 was dedicated to Wellness, and Garo organized a site inspection with the occupational doctor, and set meetings with a nutritionist, concerning healthy eating habits (healthy, light snacks were provided to partecipants). Both occasions were productive and helped to highlight the importance of a healthy living practises at work and home.

The third and the fourth weeks were dedicated to falls and driving. Informative documents on these topics were distributed.


The occurrence of the National Safety month provided Garo HSE department the opportunity to develop a series ofadditional cross-cutting activities, ranging from meetings about ATEX to courses for updating the knowledge of local safety laws and  work safety.